Friday, January 1, 2016

A Simple Way to Have a Better Day in the Classroom: Eat Some Eggs for Breakfast!

You probably have heard often how eating a wholesome breakfast can help you manage your diet and weight and improve your energy, concentration and performance.

But what if I told you that a particular food in the morning is going to help you have a much better day in the classroom! That you will leave less stressed? That you will find more joy in teaching? I know. It sounds too good to be true. But after months of experimenting and noticing the effects that certain foods in the morning have on my day, I have found the following to be true for me.

Lean protein, specifically eggs, help me experience a less stressful teaching day.

Eggs and sautéed greens has become my favorite healthy teacher breakfast. When I start my day this way, instead of with my usual bowl of oatmeal, I notice that I am better able to respond calmly to every day stress triggers, I have more energy and focus, and I am not ravenous by 8:00 AM. I simply seem to have better days on my egg morning days.


Eggs keep your blood sugar from spiking.

Protein releases energy slowly and keeps your blood sugar balanced. When your blood sugar is out of balance, you tend to be easily irritated, hungry, crave sugar, thirsty, and moody. Not a great way to be when facing a class of energetic nine year olds.

Eggs keep you feeling full longer.

The lean protein in eggs keep you feeling fuller longer and actually decrease the amount of hunger hormones being released in your body. When I am hungry, I feel agitated and find it more difficult to respond to classroom challenges realistically and calmly. I may appear calm on the outside, but my insides are not, which leads to body stress. I tend to get emotionally hijacked, meaning that my emotions lead decisions over my brain. I have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees.

I find that when I eat eggs, hunger pangs don't strike as quickly and I can go longer before I need to eat my mid morning snack.

Eggs contain choline.

Egg yolks are one of the richest dietary sources of choline, an essential nutrient which, while technically an amino acid, is often classed with B-complex vitamins. Stress tends to use up our B vitamins quickly, so the more B vitamins we can get through food, the better. 

Choline has been shown to play a role in brain function and memory. In a study of almost 1,400 men and women published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those who consumed foods with choline performed better on memory and verbal learning tests than other subjects. 

What about the sautéed greens?
We've all heard how we should be eating more leafy greens. They are full of health supporting vitamins and minerals. Having some greens sautéed in healthier fats such as coconut oil or light olive oil gives you a greens boost first thing. Sometimes I substitute the greens with some sliced up avocado, which also gives you the benefit of good oils.

Can't eat eggs? Try other sources of lean protein.

I am not saying that eggs are every teacher's miracle breakfast, however I encourage you to do your own research to see which foods effect your day in positive ways. I think the important food group in this is the lean protein, so try out nuts, yogurt, protein mixes, or whatever satisfies your palette. 

Everyone is different in how they respond to food. Experiment with it yourself. Try going a few days with a high protein breakfast, then a day without. What do you notice? What foods give you the best energy, mood, and ability to face your teaching challenges?

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